Social Science

Welcome to the Rio Linda High School History Department. The department offers World History (10th), US History (11th), AP World History (10th ), AP US History (11th), Psychology, Economics (12th) and Government (12th). We'd like you to meet the History department instructors and get to know them a bit.....
- Larry Bibiyoff: AP World History,
- Matthew Bussone: AP US history and US history
- Eric Wilson: US History Government and Econ.
- Jalena Pavolvic: AP gov, AP econ,
- Jane Dickey: World History Instructor. This is Mrs. Dickey's third year at RLHS, previously she worked at a middle school teaching 7th grade World History. Mrs. Dickey earned her BA in Social Science from CSUS and is currently pursuing her MA at Laverne.
- Mike Fox: Department Chair - Graduated from CSUS in 1982 with a BA is Social Science with a concentration in Government & Economics. He currently teaches Senior Economics, Psychology(Fall) and Sociology(Spring). He coached football from 1991-2013 mostly as the Head JV coach. He was also the Head boys track coach from 1996 to 2014. Coach Fox is now an assistant Athletic Director overseeing Boy's & Girls Cross Country, Water Polo & Track & Field and Wrestling. Coach Fox enjoys golfing, being with friends & Family, and Hangin with the Grandsons!
- Michael Morris: World History and Sports P.E. This is Mr. Morris' 20th year at RLHS. He graduated from CSUS with a BA in History (Double concentration in World and US and minor in Philosophy) Mr. Morris is our Head Football Coach and has also coached Track and Field, Golf and Basketball. Mr Morris is originally from Redding, Ca.
If you are looking for a specific instructor/course, please look in the staff directory for links to the instructor's pages.
Expectations of the History Social Science Department
Expectations of the History Social Science Department
Expectations of the History Social Science Department
The Rio Linda High School Social Science Department believes that all students can achieve at high levels. We offer a robust and diverse program that includes activities, projects, and speakers. The courses are designed around the California State standards. They are all college prep courses. To support high achievement, the department expects students will:
- Write (essays, short answers, DBQ's --document-based questions)
- Read their texts outside of class
- Become informed about the world and events around them
- Address all parts of the assigned tasks
- Use their own words in writing/projects and avoid plagiarism
- Engage in civic participation and learn how their decisions affect the world around them
- Follow directions and stay engaged in classes
Instructors will:
- Stay current on research and methodology in the Social Sciences
- Work to provide a safe environment for the exploration of ideas and concepts central to Social Sciences
- Grade and return assignments in a timely manner
- Communicate with parents and guardians regarding progress and content via School Loop, phone and email.
- Make themselves available for extra help as necessary