Dance Rules
School Dance Requirements
School Dance Requirements
In order to attend any dance, a student must meet two criteria:
- Students who are on the No Activity list will not be allowed entrance to the dance.
- Have 9 or less instances of unexcused tardies/lates/absences in the designated quarter
Ticket costs will not be refunded
Dance Rules
Dance Rules
RioLinda Senior High School
6309 Dry Creek Road, Rio Linda, CA 95673
Information: (916) 286-4500 Attendance: (916) 286-4611 Counseling: (916) 286-4509 Administration: (916) 286-4503 Fax: (916) 263-6462
6309 Dry Creek Road, Rio Linda, CA 95673
Information: (916) 286-4500 Attendance: (916) 286-4611 Counseling: (916) 286-4509 Administration: (916) 286-4503 Fax: (916) 263-6462
Dance Rules
- All students and approved guests MUST possess student identification or picture I.D. for admittance.
- Guest must be enrolled in at least 9th grade, and may not be older than 20 years of age.
- RLHS students may apply for one guest pass per dance.
- Students will not be permitted into the dance after 9PM. Once inside the dance, no in and out privileges will be allowed. Once a student has left the dance, they may not return
- Although walking to the dance is permitted, we encourage parents to drop their children off rather than allow them to walk. Some students in the past have been known to take detours between home and the dance, and not all of these detours are safe.
- Students should have rides planned prior to the dance. Students should plan to leave at 11:00 pm. A telephone is available in case of emergency. All students must be picked up by 11:20 pm or lose further privileges to dances.
- Students are encouraged to dance (in socially appropriate ways), chat with friends, enjoy the music and enjoy snacks from the concession stand. Students should not run, rough house or dance inappropriately.
- There will be no promiscuous or provocative dancing. All violators will be given one warning. Repeat offenders may be asked to call their parents for a ride home. They may be asked to not attend the next school dance or banned from attending any dances at Rio Linda High for the rest of the school year. Moshing, or slam dancing is not acceptable. School dances are for students to socialize with their peers. The expectation is for everyone to have fun and be safe. Therefore, repeat offenders may be asked to call their parents for a ride home.
- Horseplay, running and wrestling are not permitted. Violators will be put in timeout in the corner. If behavior continues, they may be asked to leave the dance or barred from the next dance, even if it's next year.
- Concession items, including food and drink, will not be allowed in the gym.
Students are expected to comply with directions of teachers and parent chaperones. All guilty parties will automatically miss the next dance. - Students are expected to adhere to school dress codes. No exposed midriffs, short shorts or skirts or low-slung tops or bottoms will be allowed. Students who are not following school policy will be asked to call home and arrange a wardrobe change.
- Students who do not adhere to the rules will be asked not to attend the next dance or banned from attending any dances at Rio Linda High for the rest of the year.
One final suggestion - if your child is going to the dance with a friend, it is recommended that you talk to the parent of the friend to confirm plans and make sure that the supervision meets your expectation. It is not uncommon for students to pick the house where the parents are out of town for the weekend and to use that as the base from which to attend the dance. Obviously, this is not advisable or safe.
We hope your children will join us at one of the dances this year. Please cooperate with us on these dance rules to help us keep the dances safe and fun.
We hope your children will join us at one of the dances this year. Please cooperate with us on these dance rules to help us keep the dances safe and fun.
“Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day”
Dress Code
Dress Code
The RLHS dress code will be enforced at all after school events. This includes athletic games and dances.
If you are in violation of the dress code, you will not be admitted to these events.”
If you are in violation of the dress code, you will not be admitted to these events.”
- Our School
- Tutoring (After School)
- 2024-25 Bell Schedules
- 2024-25 Student and Parent Handbook
- 2025 Senior and Graduation Information
- AP Program
- Attendance Reporting
- Bus Routes
- Daily Bulletin
- Dance Rules
- Knight's University
- Records Requests
- RLHS Administrators
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- Student Learning Outcomes
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